SIM cards

Buy one from us, or bring your c3gsm SIM!

Thanks to c3gsm, we’ll have a stock of about 200 SIM cards to sell at the shop. Expect to pay around £3 per SIM.

Bringing your own

We need to know the authentication keys of your SIM in order for it to work on our network.

If you have a SIM card from a CCC event, like CCCamp23 or 37c3, you can ask c3gsm for the keys. Make a note of the ICCID of your SIM card (it’s written on the card itself!), and send that to along with a brief note asking them for the IMSI, Ki and OPC values.

When you get the keys, send them to us at and we’ll add them into our system.

Last modified May 24, 2024: also ask for IMSI (ee0fa22)